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Getting to know “rabies” together.

Rabies or rabies Contact of the disease Contact through the saliva of infected animals. 99% of human infections Caused by dog bites. If the infection runs into the brain, the infected person will die immediately. First Aid Wash the wound that is bitten with clean water and soap water. See your doctor for vaccines. Death […]

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Getting sick

    Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis Doctors can diagnose mesothelioma from the patient’s symptoms. From physical examination Including career history. Living environment Exposure to various sources of water and additional laboratory tests include: Blood tests include CBC (CBC), where white blood cells are higher than normal. Some patients may be up to 50,000 / min. […]

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How to prevent mice

                        How to prevent mice Control and eliminate rodents in people’s shelters. Especially in the area of homes, restaurants, markets, workplaces, tourist attractions, and rice fields, as rats are a major source of infection. Follow the official news from time to time that any […]

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Leo Fly

Wait Update

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Leo Dog

Wait Update

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Leo Fly

Update wait

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